Private Philharmonic Triumph

‘It Seems That Everything Kicked off Because of Gesualdo’

The author of the project and the literary and stage adaptation Ksenia Anufrieva

N’Caged Vocal Ensemble
Arina Zvereva
Anastasia Polyanina
Olga Rossini
Sergey Malinin
Ilya Laptev


Created by Arina Zvereva in 2015, the vocal ensemble N'CAGED is widely known for its interpretations of contemporary music, often written specifically for this group. Since 2015, the ensemble's soloists have taken part in the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre productions, received nominations and prizes of the Golden Mask National Theatre Awards for their work. Chamber projects, including site-specific ones and those that took place in museums also form a large part in the work of the ensemble.
A new format — a concert-reading — appeared in line with the ensemble’s track. The project was inspired by the exhibition Named by Vasari. Mannerism, which has been held at the NCCA Nizhny Novgorod — Arsenal from the autumn of 2023 to the spring of 2024.
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